Did you see what I did with the title there? Did you? Well the reason there was no progress at The Money Pit this weekend was as it was a busy one. Friday night it was a very special girls birthday. There were balloons....

There were cakes baked by the lovely Josie...

There were presents involving appropriate wear for festival going - I think I may have
inadvertently turned my niece into a mini Amy
Winehouse (sans drugs obviously!) ....

And fancy dress....
Don't they look sweet! Talking of sweet, we also had time catching up with great friends and their beautiful offspring...

Going for a walk to the beach whilst shooting the breeze with a cousin (who doesn't like being photographed)...

And coming back under ominous skies....

Admiring my mum's house and the garden that has now grown back after Kit's Garden Room building project...

Coveting some of her things and being given other things (photos of the haul to follow)....
And driving back late in the evening as the sun went down....