Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christmas House...

Although, this is not the first time that we have seen The Money Pit blanketed in snow, it is the first time since it has felt like a proper home. The weekend we moved in, back in Feb, it was snowing too. That was a fun weekend! We had spent 3 days packing and shifting our wordly goods, and another week or so making good Eliza, and were leaving our warm, snug little house that we had made home over the last 10 years, for this monster. It was cold, actually it was freezing, empty and the size of the task ahead was a little intimidating. However, by Sunday evening we were in. The bed was made, the fire lit and the first of a few warming whiskies had been drunk and I was able to appreciate why we liked this monster so much.

The move would not have happened without a mammoth effort from t'husband and an intrepid bunch of helpers that I am still beyond grateful to, who not only did all of the heavy lifting but also had to prevent t'husband's wife from going into complete meltdown at numerous stages of the move. Thanks Dave, Graham and Rob - you all totally rock.

Just under a year down the line, although the task is still large, the Money Pit (despite living up to its name) , is no longer a monster. Even though we are still in a bit of a pickle, shopping for pretty stuffs (and even some essential stuffs) seems still to be a long way off, we couldn't be happier. I mean how could you not love a place that looks like this...

I wonder what 2010 will bring for The Money Pit. I suspect the projects may be smaller but will also, in their own way, be significant due to that other project we are also working on. You know the one that looks something like this....
Expect a host of nursery pictures in the new year. 2010 is going to be exciting....

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

It's (nearly) Christmas....

What with all the snow, a stack of wood in the cellar for the cold nights, (non-alcoholic) mulled wine ready for mulling and the tree decorated it is feeling very festive at The Money Pit. I am lucky enough to have two trees this year which is an extravaganse in these lean times but we are entertaining a bit over the festive season and I am hoping that pretty trees will detract from the lack of carpets and soft furnishings and the chilliness...

There's something about the warm glow of of fairy lights that makes a home feel cozy even when it is -5 outside. I was watching Nigella's Christmas last night and she goes fairy light crazy but with a load of fairy lights you need little other adornment. Can't deck my halls with fairy lights, but I am going to buy up a large supply of candles.

I just hope I can make it home tonight to enjoy it all. It's really coming down out there...

Friday, 20 November 2009

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


I have long known about Anthropologie from reading US design and interiors blogs and was sad that they didn't have a store in the UK (although you can order some things online). They have now opened a store in that London (oh please come to Manchester) which seemed a bit of a trek to go shopping even though I was sure that it would be my kind of place...

...London here I come!


A while ago my mum went through her linen closet and gave me some lovely linen sheets as well as a few crochet doily kind of things. Not sure of their name (anyone?) They are very pretty and intricate but I wasn't sure about using them on tables etc as they might look a bit twee.
I have also been looking for some artwork for our main bathroom (it is a monochromatic scheme) so when I saw this, it gave me the answer to both of these questions. Now I just need to make a trip to Ikea for some inexpensive frames, buy some black paper and I will have some new 'art'. A creative project that is within even my limited capabilities...

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

If I wasn't already married...

...then I would love to live with these people. They like so many of the same things that I do. I love the framed tea labels, peonies, welsh blankets, vintage caravans, galvanised tubs for planting...

Dressers, tea cups, leather chairs and vintage looking linens...

And I suppose if I was married to those people, I might have lots of lovely things but I guess I wouldn't have this, the loveliest of things...

Thursday, 8 October 2009

How to be a domestic goddess when you haven't a kitchen...

I have been thinking a fair bit about kitchens. Mainly as ours is more than a little make shift. We have some nice built in cupboards (see above right) and of course a dishwasher (I am officially in love with the dishwasher and do not know how I lived for so long without one in my life) but the remainder of the kitchen is more than a little makeshift. We have a sink unit that was left (uninstalled) by the previous owners mortgage company. I suspect with a nod to making the house 'habitable', a fridge and freezer kindly sold to us at a bargain price by a friend (hi Gem) which is covered with a random piece of worktop which we found in the garage and holds the toaster, microwave and more importantly the coffee machine. We did splash out on the fancy new cooker above (hello handsome) as I refused to cook on a camping stove for many a month. And then the same lovely lady that sold us the fridge and freezer also donated a cupboard and dining table (for free!!) that make up the rest.

It's funny really as for years my mum had a mismatch of fitted cupboards, a dresser and a random cupboard unit completed with a dining table and a muddle of chairs so I think I am definitely from my mothers school of kitchen design. Eventually though she managed to get some new doors and smartened it all up with a lick of paint, new handles and a nice worktop and it is lovely and has always been warm and welcoming and sociable. My aunt always talks fondly of dancing in my mum's kitchen on New Year's Eves and I love the thought of that in ours....

Anyway, the central heating 'project' gobbled up the kitchen budget as quickly as it gobbles gas. Well according to t'husband it must gobble gas as despite it being a lot cooler now, we are still not allowed the heating on. I have to make do with lighting the fire which is lovely if you don't leave the living room and when I do, I have to carry a hot water bottle with me like a purse. Anyhoo, the lack of any cash for a kitchen only makes me covet them more. Here are a few of my faves.

Love the pantry cupboard and that it's not too 'slick'

Love that the cupboards and the table were obviously something else before they were a kitchen and look well used...oh and the sink and the tiles...

Love the open shelves (cake stands!) but I think t'husband wants to keep everything low level...

There seems to be 'a look' developing....

Love the dresser and the lights and the chairs...

We have a clock like this so scoorrrre...

Don't think we'll get the dog but still love it...

Lovely table and a muddle of chairs..more nice lights...another great pantry cupboard...

Seems I am branching as I love grey painted units too (note to self: F&B Charleston Gray) and the work station / free standing counter.

Despite the largely monochromatic schemes of the kitchens above am also drawn to the bright colours below. All removable items so I guess I can add these if I feel the need for colour...

Oh sinky sink, please be mine...

A coffee altar....nuff said and also stainless draws....
Pretty much all pictures from Livingetc

Next steps. Purchase lottery ticket and/or find (free) cupboards that would suffice and make friends with a carpenter willing to work for free...easy!

Monday, 5 October 2009

Why the DIY might not be progressing.. quickly as it should. We have got caught up in this again a few weekend over the past few weeks.

Hope Series 2 Lee Quarry - Race 2 - Sept 2009 from Richard Drake on Vimeo.

But despite helping organise and attend the races we have a few things done at The Moneypit which I hope to blog about soon. Just need to recharge the camera....

Friday, 25 September 2009


Found on HomeShoppingSpy - where else!

The person who designed this obviously thinks very much like me! But I think coffee might come first for me. Perhaps I could place it above the aforementioned fireplace. I already have the typewriter (thanks to Aly and Jolly - how are you guys? Long time no see).

The teapot (or is it a coffee pot?) is very similar to one that my mum's Thai friend Pom used to use when we would visit her as children and she would make us delicious (and I thought very exotic) Earl Gray tea from leaves not bags. Her house always smelt delicious. And being from abroad and probably not used to the British weather she had wonderful heated, parquee floors which to a chilly individual like myself were amazing and obviously way ahead of their time compared to normal UK houses.


A fair few fireplaces were taken from Church View when it was repossessed so we are trying to put them back. I am now on the hunt to find something to fill the hole that remains in one of the spare bedrooms. Until we have that in place we can't really move on in here. Here (and t'husband take note should you be ebaying) are a few of my faves...

Also Livingetc

I also love the bowback chair above...

Seems with the exception of the last one, all we really need is a mantle, maybe a fire basket and a builder willing to take on the job.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Love on a post-it...

Just because...

Friday, 18 September 2009

The Cuddleston Wedding Extravaganza - part 2

So after a few days relaxing, eating, gently familiarising ourselves with our surroundings, eating and getting to know one another but mainly eating before we knew it it was the night before the wedding. Abi's brother and dad with the help of some of the other chaps prepared all the food for a pre-wedding BBQ. How Italian is this?

I was too busy eating to take photos of the food but believe me it was so, so good.. fresh fish, salads of various sorts, meats, and some rather hot roasted chillies t'husband insisted on eating and then regretted all followed by gelato of course. Anyhoo, here are the lovely couple still looking mighty relaxed the evening before. I think Abi looks super happy, mainly, as she has persuaded me to spend the last night as a single women with her and that is a treat for anyone!

Anyway, the day of the wedding dawned bright and beautiful with Abs throwing back the shutters and shouting 'It's my wedding day' rather too loudly for the early hour. This declaration of extreme importance was swiftly followed by the equally important 'Is it too early to open the Haribo?"

Matt had taken a more practical (and perhaps sensible) approach to dealing with wedding morning jitters. Instead of calming his nerves with a hit of sugar (!), he decided to wash the wedding car. The sight of something so beautiful clothed in white must have been a trial run for the day she is. It makes you misty eyed doesn't it?

And Abi didn't scrub up too badly either! The headgear...

The flowers....

The boys in all their handsomeness...anyone else thinking that the Italians aren't the only ones with natty dress sense...

The calm before the lovely....(thanks for this one Nick)

The proud and also very lovely mum...

And then it was off the the ceremony. Twas a bit of a worry as we got separated from the convoy and only had very limited directions and even more limited grasp of the lingo and I am sure Matt could really have done without our 'we're lost, please help guide us through the town that you are not much more familiar with than us' type calls but he responded in his usual helpful fashion and we got there just in time. The vows were lovely. The Italians lay out the responsibilities of marriage quite wonderfully. I will try and get a copy...
Anyway, despite the ceremony being in Italian (they had a lovely translator) and it being the new Mayor's first wedding all went swimmingly. And after there were the congratulations...

The 'just married' photos overlooking the square...

The procession through the streets to find prosecco for some, gelato for others...

Then back to the villa for feasting...

And much love and romance...

Congratulations you guys, it was all so beautiful....